
My first Georgia game
(I'm on the right)
Although the syllabus says to blog about challenges and experiences at college, Dr. Kyburz said we could write about whatever we wanted in class. I'm unsure what to write about, so I'll use this space to talk about my life recently. The college football season has started which is exciting for me, as I am a big Georgia fan. My sister went there, so I'm not just a bandwagoner, I swear! Unfortunately, this means that the NFL has started as well. I don't know why I have such a strong dislike for professional football, but I do. This means that my Sundays will either be spent twiddling my thumbs at my boyfriend's house while he watches football or staying at home and being bored there as well. I am yet to decide which avenue I will take tomorrow. 

Even though I hate the NFL, fall is probably my favorite season. I love it when it is cold enough to wear a sweater but not so cold that my fingers are numb and my ears hurt. I also love the color palette that comes with fall, both in clothing and in nature. Finally, I love the smell of fall. I can't place my finger on what exactly fall smells like, just that it is comforting. 

A lot of times, though, fall also means getting sick. I got my flu shot yesterday and not only does my arm still hurt, the pain has moved to my back as well. It is very unpleasant. Another unfortunate occurrence in my life has been my car troubles. It's a long story that starts in June, so I'll give the CliffsNotes version. I ran into the side of my garage (whoops) and dented a small panel on the side of my car. I got it fixed, but in the process, they turned off my airbags. When I got that fixed, they told me that I needed new tires, service on my air conditioning, a new battery for my keys, and to replace my motor mount. As one would expect, that would not be cheap. Furthermore, I don't think that any of that is real. According to the Internet, a car with a torn motor mount shakes and vibrates when you accelerate or brake, which my car does not do. Plus, my air has been working just fine and I got a new battery last summer. My dad also said that my tires have a few months left of wear on them. Now I need to get a second opinion on the motor mount and the tires since my dad is by no means a car expert. I have to do all of this myself since my dad is useless. I guess it makes me an independent woman, though. 


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