accounting: the bane of my existence

Accounting Jokes?

 I'm choosing my topic today to be accounting. Currently, I am taking financial accounting and next semester I am taking managerial accounting. I have no clue as to what the difference is. I have to take these classes because they are required for all business students, and, unfortunately, I am one. I am double majoring in history and human resource management. I know they are a random pairing. I like to say that history is for fun and HR is for practicality. I really don't have much of an interest in HR, but it seems to pay well and it's good for working from home which I plan on doing once I have kids. 

Anyway, I really dislike accounting. There are too many different accounts and different statements that you have to keep track of. But what is worse than its difficulty is its banality. Accounting is my first class of the day at 9:20 am. While this is not egregiously early, it is still too early for my liking especially because my last class on Mondays and Wednesdays ends at 5:35 pm. An eight-hour day is not exactly my desire as a college student. Furthermore, the business building itself is a terrible environment for learning. The vast majority of the classrooms are in the basement which has no windows. Instead of being able to enjoy the beauty of natural lighting, my eyes are assaulted by fluorescent lightbulbs and white walls. It is truly a godless space. 

What I will say about accounting, though, is that my professor is extremely nice and very chill. I would definitely hate the class a million times more if I had a different professor. The thing is, I really don't even hate the class that much, I just needed something to write about (although my qualms about the business building are 100% true). 


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