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done (sorta)

I just finished the second of three essays I have due this week. I am very relieved but I am also concerned about accounting. We started to go over the study guide today and good Lord I was so lost. My final for that class isn't until next Wednesday so hopefully I will get my act together by then. Of course, I still have another essay that is due in approximately 44 hours, but I'm not very worried about that one. It is for my history class and will be the fourth paper I have done for that class this semester. As such, I understand how to write a solid paper for that professor. Besides this semester being over, I am also excited for my mom's birthday. Tomorrow, December 7th, she is turning 60 (she would not be pleased if she knew I outed her age but oh well). Since my dad is a piece of shit (excuse my language but I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true) and my sister lives seven hours away, it is basically my sole responsibility to make her day great. My plan is to w...

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